Sunday, July 19, 2009

This should be inspirational

Should be inspirational

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Happened???

The first game was a rough start for the COED team of Club Intimos. Goally Gutts is a bit disappointed. The "Timidos" were unable to capitalize or should I say score enough goals to overcome the thunderous Irish-German machine. We had 3 goalies in play to see if one can block more than the other, the many thousands of shots on goal from the lime team. Club "timidos" with new uniforms and the help of the King of Spain fell short to deliver high dividens in the net. Maybe, next time club "timidos" should change their ways and practice the 1-2 pass and shot on goal from any angle. The season is starting, don't panic! There is plenty of time to see improvements and play at the level that justify "new uniforms" Please from now until next Thursday think of new strategies and make the plays in your head. Then, put them to practice in the field with conviction and don't be shy!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Are You Ready?

Yes, are you ready for another seasson? Are you? Are you? ahh!
Well, practice and screanings have started at the shore of Lake Michigan by the side of drive and the weather is getting better each day. Hopefully we will have 2 weeks of summer for us to sweat some of the callories from our long hibernation. Practice and conditioning takes place on Tuesday and Thursday evening at around 6:30 pm by Foster Ave (south by the grass) beach and it follows with a small tacktical game. Some times we might peck up a friendly match on Saturday by Montrose Ave LSD (Lake Shore Drive east) with the cannibals from Africa, or with the Taco Veloz of Mexico or with the desperate amigos of Venezuela (expatriados) or with leg breakers of Guatemala and Nicaragua, or perhaps with the EUROPEANS EgoSoccercistas.
In short the idea is to have a good time, catch up with friends and pick up some training at the same time that we promote our green earth living conditioning.

This year ICSOCCER is planning a more aggressive stance for our non-for-profit organization and help all stay healthier and promote the love for soccer. For this initiative ICSOCCER is planning a few events to raise funds to pay for entry fees, uniforms, equipment and food and refreshments. There will be raffles and parties (fund raising events) Stay tune for details. One is coming up in May at "El Tapatio" tavern with an open bar evening with Tapas and talent around you. Contact Claudio at

Check out or new mascot "Goalygutts"

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Fall of the "Intimos" Titans

Well, I have to say that my heart goes out to all of you who fought in this semi-final and final games. It was a thrilling and gutt-crunching experience, watching it all from the side-lines did not make it any less interesting than actually playing it in the killing-field. Overall, If I can summarize last night's turn of events in two words, then it was "Bad-Ass".

Now, as for the highlight to the night, I have to say that goes to Mary and the marriage of her faith with the guy from the "Bang-Ballers" that blasted her with a soccer kiss on her "viso-bello" in more than one occasion. As it is said destiny is printed on your forehead, well in Mary's case the imprint reads "Nike". It is also important to acknowledge the defying flying catches and blockage from our black-panther Gabi who on game two was scoreless in the first half and blocking at least 101 shots on goal on both games. If I have to nominate an MVP for last night, then I will have to pick Gabi for the death-defying stunts. And, lastly but not least, I have to give credit to Monica as well as Mary for their tenacity and love for the game, which for most of the game blocked the advance of many "loose" ballers like a "Muralla" and at times will counter-attack with big speed bursts.

As for the men, well what can I say...? We definitely needed Claudio here, to put some order in the field. This time the coaching (me) wasn't as good as expected, and the good choices came from the help of the other coach. We were thumped with 4 (FOUR) yellow cards and one-sided referee that overlooked many offences against club Intimos and instead punished the Gods of Intimos with Spanic-EGO-submerging whistle-calls. Honestly, it was hard to keep one's mouth shut. And, it seems that someone performed an exorcism on "cujo" - it felt like he had a big crucifix on his shoulders. The truth is that he was well guarded on both games with very few opportunities to unleash his wrath. Nonetheless, it was a good game played by "Guadalupe-chaparro-cujo". Pedro, was very solid in the field blocking, attacking and what I enjoy the most, the striking power "los reventones" to goal. It feels like a firing squad (with one leg) and BANG!
The same goes to the striking power of Khofi, Jose and Juan Carlos coupled with their dribbling qualities that at times seemed like an orchestra in the playing-field. Again, it was music to eyes to see finesse dances with the ball by all including the pedicured feet of Ricky Ricardo, Andy Andres and Sol Sol.

I will attempt to do a "Total Recall" of both games.

Game One... The fist gol scored by the "Chickens" was entered by wing (hand-ball) from one the oviparous. We counter with a tying goal. We ended the fist half with a score of 2-2. We started the second half with a quick goal and we were up 3-2, but not for long, since the birds did their dance and scored 1 to tie the game again. But, Intimos did not give up in the attack and re-mounted with 2 thunderous strikes past their mudda-chic goaly to take the lead 5-3. In the final minute, their mudda-chic goaly took off from its cage to score a wheeze goal at the end for a final score of 5-4 in favour of the Intimos. - Intimos go to the Finals.
Goals scored: 3 for Cujo Guadalupe, 1 Pedro, 1 Juan Carlos

Game two... The final game was a well fought battle. Sol Sol joined us for game two and lead the team with intelligent and graceful plays, supported by Pedro, and the rest of the team. We lead the way with one blast-goal by Juan Carlos. The first half was kept 1-0 in our add by a tumultuous number of shots blocked on goal. The second half was a continuation of the same strategy on the first half but it did not last long enough to stop the other team to squeeze two goals past the panther. Mary received a foot on the face by her faith-loving Arch-enemy that was induced by a yellow sent off tackle by our very best Juan Carlos (the foot in the face was a accidental tumble and non-intentional). Nonetheless, it put two of our best players out of commission, one for a 2 minute sent-off that gave the other team the opportunity to inflict their painful dagger on our poor "cujo" - who in this final game was pinned down and immobilized. At the end we fell as victims of our own spanic-ego (Thank the referee) and a little bit, a combination of exhaustion, waterless side lines (my fault - I forgot to bring the water), nervousness, and despair. Also, their golly was phenomenal, and they had an amazing striker that ran like a horse. The final score was a VICTORY for Intimos where we LOST 3-1
Our lonely goal was scored by Juan Carlos.

Thank You all for a great beginning to a good season. This year will bring us great reward and pride. You just have to believe in the very best. And, may NIKE be with you!!! Amen.

Video and photos to come....



Nike = The goddess of victory in ancient Greece. She was honoured by Zeus because she fought on the side of the gods against the Titans. For the Romans Nike became a symbol of victory over death.

Oviparous = egg-laying individual, as in birds.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Club Intimos De Chicago Goooooliza!

El partido fue muy entretenido sin ninguna duda! Tenemos que darle credito a los directores tecnicos presente, por supuesto. Gracias a Dios llego Ricardo Vilchez a salvar el dia, con tremenda defensa, impidiendo solo un gol despues de su ingreso. Y es que antes de que el llegara el equipo Intimos tenia una deficit the 8 goles en contra ;-) Pero la situacion mejoro con la llegada del estrellado Vilchez.

No ahora en serio.... El jugador MVP del partido de Playoff fue Cujo! el chiquito Guadalude - y que la virgen me lo bendiga. Co una cerata espectacular al anotar casi un doble "Hat-Trick" con cinco (5) goles en su bolsa y como unas 13 asistencias. Sin dudas, un jugador muy abilidoso con un cerebro en las plantillas del pie. La realidad es que todos se portaron de una manera fenomenal, y con un gran aliento de victoriosos. La noche la domino el club de jugadores Intimos y fue como hacer el amor en la alfombra... Eran goles tras gol y gol, Uno despues del otro hasta llegar a 15. Practicamente, un gol cada 2 minutos. Y tenemos que añadir el tiempo de posecion del balon que el equipo intimos aplico. Con unos pasesitos, dribling, y cañonasos que aplicanban el MVP, Pedro, Sol-Sol, Andres, Juan Carlos (no el Rey de España - pero si el rey de los Intimos), Mr. President Claudio, Mary y Monica.

Tenemos tambien que notar y aplaudir la tenasidad de las mujeres Intimas, que con mucho espiritu deportivo, defendieron y lucaharon por el honor del club. Defendiendo, corriendo como unas gazelas (Mary, Monica), tapando goles a diestras y sinistras (Hurray!! to Gaby)

Bueno, y al estilo Ronaldhino/Kaka los Intimos aplicaron una catedra en lo que es lo mas bonito del mundo "Eu jogo Bonito!" - musica para los ojos. Intimos 15 - Uni-Ballers Uni 1

La proxima semana tenemos 2 partidos - el de la semi-final y la final. Espero ver el mismo nivel de futbol como el anterior y si Dios quiere, nos llevaremos el titulo!!!
